Sunday 11 June 2017

Drinking Water Treatment

The safety and quality of drinking water is a growing concern among the masses. This fact is seemingly confirmed by the popularity of bottled water. For something that is freely available, the success of the bottled water industry is indeed remarkable. 

Having a drinking water treatment system at home is a good way to ensure that water coming out of your tap is safe and clean to use. You never know what sort of contaminants can be found in your water supply despite state and local standards. At least with a drinking water treatment system you can be certain about steps you have taken to ensure the safety of water in your home.

However, the quality of water produced by your treatment system depends entirely on the quality of the system itself. That is why it is important to choose your water treatment system carefully.

Below is a list of considerations when it comes to selecting a drinking water treatment system:

* Amount of purified water you desire for use per day (A typical family of four may consume about 4 to 8 gallons of water a day)
* Types of contaminants find in your water. Be sure to distinguish between contaminants that are actually found in your water and those that occasionally show up. You will need to request your water supplier for a report. An alternative would be to have your water tested.
* Contaminants you want to remove from your water. Now, you might say that you want to remove all. However, that is impossible since there is no such thing as 100% water. At best, choose to remove those contaminants that are harmful to your health, as opposed to those that naturally occur in water and do not cause any adverse effects on a person’s health.
* Cost. Consider both the initial cost and the ongoing costs.
* Value. Look for products that are certified to perform as advertised.

Drinking Water Treatment Methods

There are several different drinking water treatment methods and they are organized under two broad categories: point of use devices and point of entry systems.

A point of use device treats water at a specific point where it is used, usually the kitchen sink. The device limits protection to a single faucet usually. It is a cost-effective method since only a few hundred gallons of water are treated.

On the other hand, a point of entry system focuses on the entire water supply in the home. The device is installed usually at the source of your water supply itself so that all of the water that enters the home has already gone through the drinking water treatment process, ensuring that it is safe and clean to use.

Electrolytic Water Treatment---Its Challenges

The public consciousness on the importance of safe potable drinking water has caused the emergence of different methods, which have stirred different reactions from the general public. The old ways of treating water, which is boiling is seldom practiced today among American homes, in spite of the fact that boiling water treatment still proves as one of the best ways in eliminating harmful microorganisms that can cause gastro-intestinal diseases like cholera and diarrhea.

The rapid change of lifestyle and the fast-paced movement of people have in fact challenged the importance of the advancement of technology on water treatment. Today more than ever some water technologies are straightforwardly expensive yet with proven efficiency and efficacy. While some water treatment technologies are gaining rave reviews from both the consumers and the scientific community, some failed to get recognition either from both sides.

Electrolytic water treatment is one of the “not so lucky” water treatment technologies that did not achieve accolades from the experts of chemistry and physics fields. A considerable number of this community is still doubtful about the efficacy of electrolytic water treatment.

Electrolytic water treatment supposedly works by breaking down the water molecules by applying electric current.  Ionized water is purportedly the answer to obtaining safe drinking water, which can only be generated with the use of electrolytic water treatment. Nevertheless, this claim had been facing much reaction from Stephen Lower, a former member of the faculty the Department of Chemistry, Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada. Lower contested that the concept of ionized water is but for sales and marketing purposes only. Furthermore, it is believed that potable drinking water is not capable of conducting electricity, which makes the introduction of electrolysis seemed futile.

Other contentions include that the so-called health benefits of ionized water are yet to be backed by scientific study results.  Lastly those proliferating electrolytic water treatment equipment are nothing but useless pieces that are incapable of eliminating impurities, disinfecting harmful bacteria, and the removal of scale formation.

Despite the many negative reactions about electrolytic water treatment, there are still many companies that are continuously marketing the product. The sale of this product is still to reach its speak as there are not too many that are convinced with its advertised effectiveness in treating water from microorganism, scale formation, and impurities.

This water treatment technology is yet to hurdle all the challenges in order to prove its detractors wrong. The makers of this technology have to make sure that scientific evidences support their claims, other wise their effort will be for naught. Only then electrolytic water treatment can be considered a brilliant invention.

Electronic Water Treatment

If your water pipe installation is as old as you are, say if you are in your late fifties chances are you water pipe are experiencing clogging up due to scale formation caused by the accumulation of magnesium, silica and or calcium in the same way that your arteries are clogging up due to cholesterol deposits than can result to hypertension.

If chelation therapy is for the treatment of hardened arteries, electronic water treatment is used for softening hard water and inhibiting the formation of scales on water pipes. Electronic water treatment like magnets is used to soften water and eliminate sediment deposits by flushing out the particles that causes it; only the former did not raise much question unlike the latter.

The Scalewizard

This electronic water treatment gadget works simply in eliminating limescale deposits that are usually prevalent in areas where hard water is abundant. The Scalewizard is a friendly gadget for households that have their own water heater equipment for hot shower. Instead of using another chemicals to neutralize colloidal elements from forming scale deposits on water pipes, shower nozzles, bathtub floors, and sink taps are prevented if not minimized. This gizmo is fits to all sizes of water pipes and can work with plastic, galvanized iron, copper and lead. The unseen accumulated lime deposits will be removed from the water pipe installation thus saving money on future expense that might have been incurred in replacing new water pipes.

The Scalewatcher

Being around for fourteen years now, this electronic water treatment still one of the best in the market. The product has undergone through different improvements in response to the specific needs of the end-users. Home improvement companies like Home Building and Decorating, Practical Householder, Essential Living and Perfect Homes among others have recommended this gadget. The Scalewatcher is engineered from the highest quality components that are made to last almost ten years and can resist corrosion that other water conditioner products are not.

The Hard Water Wizard

This electronic water treatment and conditioner equipment is widely used in residential and commercial water treatment needs. The equipment is capable of turning the molecules that make up the hard water into soft water crystals. It can also eliminate the deposited scale and preventing the formation of another one. This water treatment equipment is easy to install especially for household purposes, and needs no maintenance too. It does not need so much power in operating this equipment, which means that the household can save on electric bills. Chemicals are no longer needed in using this gadget.

Electronic water treatment technology is expected to get better in the future as many companies have find ways in responding to the increasing needs of the consumers for better water treatment method.

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