Sunday 11 June 2017

Cooling Tower Water Treatment

The maintenance of cooling tower water quality is a significant, though often overlooked, issue in water treatment systems. Water, whether it comes from cooling towers or your regular faucet, supports biological growth over time. Moreover, if left unattended for a long time, it may corrode or form scale deposits on equipment. This is why a cooling tower water treatment system is needed.

Problems Caused by Poor Cooling Tower Water Maintenance

When cooling tower water is poorly maintained, it can give rise to a range of problems, such as the following:

Scale Formation

Scale is formed from precipitated solids, which are commonly produced from heating or cooling water with high mineral content. As scale deposits build up on heat exchange surfaces, they have the tendency to reduce the system’s efficiency. Moreover, the scale formation may also block the flow of water from the cooling tower’s basin or fill.

Using a cooling tower water treatment system can help prevent the build up of scales. It is a cost-effective method that not only treats the problem but also has the effect of reducing maintenance cost of the cooling tower system. Majority of maintenance cost of cooling towers are spent on the removal of scale deposits.


Corrosion occurs when metal dissolves. Under the effects of oxidation, a substantial part of the metal breaks down, leading to a premature degradation of the system. Basically, the metal degrades, its strength and thickness reduced, its structural integrity compromised, and in some extreme cases, it may even create pits and holes in the material.

A cooling tower water treatment system that prevents corrosion is in order. One such system that is effective in preventing corrosion is ozone treatment. However, there are other methods available as well.

Biological Fouling

Biological fouling occurs when water has been left unattended for a long time. Bacteria, algae, fungi, and even protozoa are fond of water and will grow when water has been left untouched for a time. Eventually, the accumulated population of microorganisms in the water will result in the formation of biological film, which is difficult to remove. This creates a situation, commonly referred to as “biological fouling.”

Out of all cooling tower water problems, this is considered to be the root. Among the adverse effects of biological fouling are reduced heat transfer efficiency, fouling of cooling tower fill, blockages in water flow, as well as microbiologically induced corrosion. It may also result in human health concerns.

Using a cooling tower water treatment system eliminates this problem. A good cooling water treatment system removes bacteria, fungi, viruses and other biological contaminants in the water and prevents them from fouling the water. Removal of these contaminants, in turn, improve the quality of the water flowing out of the cooling tower.

Dairy Water Treatment

While passing along the alleys of your nearest grocery store, you stopped by on the shelf of milk products and decided to grab a couple of fresh milk for your family. Truly, milk and other milk products are important food products that are believed to contain vitamins and minerals that will help maintain our health.

The high importance you give on milk as source of nutritious food is as high as those people who collect milk from the dairy farm. Milk is protected from contaminants that might spoil the milk. In order to achieve the highest standard in milk production dairy farms are making sure that the water they are using are clean and the water that they are disposing are carefully treated before they are released to public sewage system.

Dairy water treatment is as important as the milk products that dairy farms painstakingly produced everyday. A good method of dairy water treatment must be implemented and practiced to ensure that the dairy products are free from harmful bacteria.

The water that the animals in the dairy farms are drinking should be as safe as those being drunk by humans. It is important to protect the animals from getting sick from water–borne diseases. It also lessens the amount of milk produced by cows according to Jim Linn of the University of Minnesota Extension Service. Dairy water treatment should not be solely focused on wastewater but also on drinking water in dairy farms especially for cows.

Dairy farms have their own way of treating their wastewater. One of the common dairy water treatments is the use of on-site lagoon. The wastewater collected from the dairy farm is segregated from the collected solid waste. The solid waste is recycled and reused either as mulch or animal feeds while the water is deposited into the artificial lagoon.  A natural process is taking place when the water undergoes anaerobic process wherein the microorganisms are breaking down due to the absence of oxygen. 

This method of treating water takes several months before the water is fully treated. It can also produce foul smell that might be nuisance to the other people and could pose health hazards. This dairy water treatment can also cause wastewater seepage to ground water sources, which will possibly contaminate other water sources.

Regardless of what dairy water treatment is employed in dairy farms, the aim should be to get the maximum profit from the operation without sacrificing the quality of milk and other milk products. It is also important that the health of the cows, farmers and the residents of the neighboring areas are protected.

Domestic Water Treatment

Every single household in the U.S. consumes hundreds of liters of water everyday. Water is not only essential for maintaining life; it is also necessary in accomplishing household chores. To a certain extent domestic water treatment is of paramount importance in making sure that the water is safe fro drinking, and free from undesirable attribute that might affect in every single activity where water is needed.

Bacteria, parasites and virus.

Name it and the water is sure to have all of these harmful microorganisms that could be detrimental to one’s health. These water-borne microbes can cause dysentery, diarrhea, and cholera. In order to get rid of these relatively deadly little devils present in the water, a good domestic water treatment is of paramount importance.

One of the oldest ways of treating water at home is boiling. It is also considered as the method. Boling water is capable of killing all those harmful bacteria, virus, and parasites swarming in our drinking water. This method is considered as the fastest and the easiest way in making sure that the water that we drink is really that safe.

Other method of domestic water treatment for drinking water is the used of a mechanical water purifier. This type of domestic water treatment is rather more expensive compared with boiling, but it is super fast because the water coming from the purifier is already safe, and you can get safe drinking water any time of the day for as long the purifier is working.

Distillation is also one of the oldest domestic water treatments but it is time consuming and demanding a process. The water is charge to a boiling point, once the steam is already present they are gathered and put together to another container to let it cool down or condense. Not many households are using this method, however this is one proven effective way of treating water. It is also a relatively expensive method because the special equipment used in distilling water is also pricey.

 Iron and copper.

These are just two of the many metallic elements present in water. When you see red stains in you faucet or sink most likely iron is present. On the other hand if you notice bluish color on your sink and on your pipe opening, it likely the copper has accumulated thus, the presence of bluish stain.

Domestic water treatment is also very important in making sure that the water is free from these undesirable elements. How would you like to wash your clothes and only to find out that red satins are all present because of the accumulated iron element in water. They also clog pipes over a long period of time if unattended.

One of the possible ways of treating water from these elements is to use another element---chlorine. Chlorination does not only kill microbes, the process also frees the water from iron and copper deposits in water.

The advancement of technology of treating water introduces latest inventions, however the basics are still proven to be the best methods. They are also cheaper too.

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