Tuesday, 18 April 2017

The Importance of Discreet Advertisements on Twitter

The Importance of Discreet Advertisements on Twitter

Do you want to use Twitter as an internet marketing tool?  If so, it is important to be clever and discrete with your advertisements.  Why?  Because it leads to the most success.

Hearing that advertisements on Twitter should be clever and discreet is one thing, but understanding the importance is another.  To turn Twitter into an effective internet marketing tool, you must first understand the service, why it is used, and who uses it. 

Twitter, as you likely already know, is a social networking website.  It is user based.  For example, an internet user will create a free Twitter account.  For your information, this process is very easy.  Answer a few questions and you are ready to go.  In fact, there is no waiting for a confirmation email!

Next, Twitter members search for contacts on the site.  They can do so by importing their email contact list or searching for members by name, location, or email address.  These options are found under the “Find Friends,” link on Twitter.com.  Members can also use Search.Twitter.com to find and read public Tweets.  Often times, contact is made with those with similar interests.  Avid internet users ask around their online communities for Twitter information exchanges.

As for why people use Twitter, there are various reasons.  For example, you want to use Twitter as an internet marketing tool.  With that said, most use the service to connect with friends and family.  This is because updates, otherwise known, as Tweets are sent.  These messages are under 140 characters and shared various ways, including by Facebook, the Twitter website, mobile web applications, and instant messaging programs.

So, why is it important to use discrete advertisements on Twitter? 

As previously stated, many internet users rely on Twitter to stay in contact with friends, family, and coworkers.  This means that common messages are shared, such as “Hi,” “How are you doing?” or “I’m going to the party this weekend, are you?”  Since most use Twitter for social purposes, you want your advertisements to have a touch of socializing to them.

It is also important to use discreet advertisements on Twitter because you don’t want to create a bad name for yourself or your business.  Regardless of how you generate income online, you are running a business.  To retain a profit, you must create a positive brand.  People who use Twitter do not mind advertisements from time to time, but they tend to frown upon receiving them everyday.

It is also important to use discreet advertisements on Twitter so your Tweets are not considered spam.  Spamming is prohibited on this service.  If you are found to send bulk unsolicited messages on a regular basis, you may lose your Twitter account.  That is if you have any followers left.

So, how can you create discreet advertisements on Twitter?

Start with updates.  You send these tweets to your followers.  The main purpose of Twitter is to describe what you are doing.  So, answer in a way that allows self-promotion.  Do you sell a product online?  Send a Tweet stating that you just updated your website to include a new product.  Quickly state what that product is and provide a link.  This approach is better than saying “buy my products here.”

The easiest way to discreetly advertise a website, blog, product, or service on Twitter is with @replies.  Visit Search.Twitter.com.  Search for Tweets that are focused on a product or service you sell.  For example, do you sell office supply furniture?  Look for messages where users are searching for it.  Send an @reply with a link to your store.  Yes, this is still an advertisement, but it is also an applicable response.

Pros and Cons of Using Twitter for Internet Marketing

Have you heard that Twitter is a great internet marketing tool?  If so, you may wondering if marketing your website, blog, products, or service through Twitter is a good idea.  In most cases, it is, but you should first familiarize yourself with the pros and cons.

The Pros

It is free.  It is free to join Twitter.  All you need is a mobile phone or an internet connection.  To get started, visit Twitter.com and register for a free account.  Select a username, password, and provide your email address. Unlike many other internet marketing ventures, Twitter requires no investment; therefore, there is no risk.

It is easy to network.  Before marketing your business on Twitter, you need to develop a list of contacts.  You start by following other members.  You can get started by searching for users based on email address, name, and location.  You can also use Search.Twitter.com to review Tweets and find those with similar interests as yours.  Many also post on online message boards looking to exchange Twitter contact information.

There are over 2 million members.  As previously stated, you need to develop a list of contacts to market your website, blog, product, or service.  Since Twitter has over 2 million members, this will be very easy.  To improve your income potential, aim for your targeted market.  Do you sell pet products?  If so, your target market is pet owners.  Look for members with pictures of pets or Tweets that are pet related.

You can Twitter on any subject.  Twitter is a social networking website.  For that reason, many posts are social in nature.  It is common to find daily updates.  A person may say they are going shopping, heading to the airport, and so forth.  However, since you can Twitter on any subject, it can be used to market a product, service, blog, or website.

Twitter has a lot of potential.  As previously stated, you can market a website, blog, product or service on Twitter.  In terms of internet marketing, this gives you a lot of potential.  You can increase website or blog traffic, generate sales, as well as interest.  When you have an interesting product or service for sale, those who receive your updates or replies may forward the information onto their contacts.

The Cons

It can be distracting.  Yes, your main goal is to use Twitter for internet marketing, but you may find yourself easily distracted.  You may use Twitter to market your website or blog, but many others do not.  You will find a wide range of messages on Twitter, including daily updates.  It is neat to get movie recommendations from other Twitter members, but this is a distraction.

It can be addicting.  Not only can Twitter be a distraction, but it can also be addicting.  The more interesting conversations you have, the more you may want to message.  During work hours, use Twitter for work purposes only.  If you wish to use Twitter for personal use, create two separate accounts.

You can sound too spammy.  If you do not proceed with caution, your Twitter messages will sound like advertisements.  Yes, that is what they are, but do to go overboard.  Twitter is about connecting with other internet users, not soliciting sales online.  For that reason, use the roundabout approach.  Instead of staying “visit my website,” or “buy the products I have for sale,” provide a link and ask for feedback.  This will still generate traffic and interest, but your followers will not feel pressured or used for the sole purpose of advertising.

As you can see, there are a number of pros and cons to using Twitter as an internet marketing tool.  As for whether or not you should, why not give it a try?  As previously stated, Twitter is free and it is easy to get started.  For that reason, you have nothing lose.  Get started today and see what Twitter can do for your online business.

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