Tuesday, 18 April 2017

How to Get Started with Twitter

How to Get Started with Twitter

Twitter is a service that is rapidly increasing in popularity.  It is a cross between a social networking website and a micro-blog.  With over 2 millions users, Twitter is becoming a popular way to stay in contact with friends, family, coworkers, and more.

If you have yet to try Twitter, you will want to do so.  As previously stated, Twitter is a combination micro-blog and social networking website.  For that reason, some internet users bypass the opportunity.  One of those is internet marketers and home based workers.  If you work from home or from your computer, your main goal while online is to make money, not make new friends.  This mindset is beneficial, but it can also hurt you and your business.

Despite what you may have heard, you can do a lot more than update your friends and family on a new job, grade in a class, or an upcoming trip.  It is easy to network and make new friends, or followers, on the Twitter website.  This is where you have the potential to market yourself and your online business.  In fact, Twitter can be used to increase your sales.  It isn’t recommended that you outright advertise your product or service on Twitter, but there are unique approaches that you can take.

As for how you can use Twitter to market yourself or your business online, start with updates.  For example, do you sell handmade products?  If so, quickly describe the product you just made and provide a link to the website where it is available for sale.  Instead of saying buy my product, ask for feedback.  Depending on how your message is viewed, the link may not be clickable.  Even still, internet users may key your link into an internet search to see and review your product for you.  If anyone likes it, they may buy.

Since you can use Twitter to do more than just update your current friends and family members, you may want to get started.  If you do not already have a Twitter account, the first step is visiting the website, which is located at Twitter.com.  You will see a link to get started.  Click on that link and fill out the form.  You will be required to create a username, a password, and provide your email address.

Next, you will be brought to a page that asks for your email account’s password.  There is a security message on the side stating that your password will not be stored and that your email account will not be accessed without permission.  This step is to allow you to see if your email contacts have Twitter accounts.  If so, add them.  You can also bypass this step.

At the top of the page, where your email password is asked for, you will also find the option to invite by email.  This is a great alternative if you do not want to provide your account’s password or if your contact list is not updated.  Enter in a number of email addresses, and invites will be sent to your contacts.

Also at the top of the page, you will find the option to search for friends or followers.  You can search by name or location.  This option is ideal if you want to connect with former friends, family members, or coworkers whose email addresses you do not have or know.

Although you can easily add Twitter friends and followers that you do not know, some are cautious about accepting invites.  For marketing purposes, use the internet, message boards, and other social networking websites for information.  For example, if you sell homemade products, you may also belong to an arts and crafts or home based business message board.  Post a message asking for Twitter contacts.  In no time at all, you might have quite the following.  Remember, the more Twitter followers you have, the more you can market your business.

How to Find Your Targeted Market on Twitter

Twitter is an online social networking website.  With that said, you can do much more than update your friends and family on the happenings in your life.  In fact, Twitter is a great online marketing tool.  Whether you are selling a product or service, you can use it to increase your sales.

Many wonder how it is possible to make money with Twitter.  The service is free to use, but you don’t get paid for using it.  As previously stated, you can make money if you sell a product or a service.  This is because you develop a following on Twitter.  These individuals are called followers, but they are also your friends or your contacts.  Messages are sent throughout the system. 

When using Twitter to market or sell a product or service, proceed with caution.  You do not want to outright sell, as you may be labeled as a spammer.  Instead, do so subtly.  For example, do you run a website that sells eBooks?  If so, your message could say “It took weeks, but my website is finally complete.  I sell eBooks.  Checkout the website and tell me if you like the format.”  This gets people to your website, but without you technically soliciting a sale.

You can also use @replies to market a website selling eBooks, or any other product or service.  Say you receive a message that says “I wish there was an easier way to learn about making money online. There are so many websites to visit.”  You can respond with “Hey, I have a website that has an eBook for sale on working from home.  It has all the information you need in one place.”  Since you are responding to a message, your aren’t outright spamming Twitter members.

As you can see, there are multiple ways for you to use Twitter as an internet marketing tool and to improve your profits.  The only problem is you must first develop a list of followers.  Yes, your close friends and family are a good start, but they may already know all about your business and what you sell.  That is why you need to expand your horizons, but how do you do so?

First, it is important to determine your targeted market.  If you sell eBooks on a wide range of subjects, you will have a wide market.  If you sell used kids clothes on eBay, your target market will include parents, and so forth.  Once you know who your targeted market it, it is easier to find these individuals on Twitter.

As for how you can do so, the easiest approach is to join online communities.  In keeping with selling kids clothes online.  Join message boards for parents.  Start conversations with other members.  After a few days, make a post stating that you are a member of Twitter and are looking for other contacts.  Say you want people to follow you on Twitter, but that you will follow them too.  Not only do you get followers, but you get those in your targeted market.

Next, you can turn to the Twitter website itself.  From the main page, you can click the “Find People,” link.  Search for members with profiles online.  You can search by location or name.  Quickly scan a profile to see if a bio is present.  If so, read it.  What is the person interested in?  Are they are parent, pet owner, or do you see other signs that classify them as a member of your target market?  If so, make contact.  This approach is time consuming, but it does work.

Finally, it is important to know how updates are sent.  Although private updates are allowed, many Twitter members send updates to everyone on their contact list.  If a reply is sent and not privately, you can see it.  This allows you to see the name of other Twitter members.  Become a follower.  If the person you are now adding is a friend or family member of someone in your targeted market, they may share similar interests.

How to Disguise Your Tweets as Advertisements

Do you want to use Twitter as an internet marketing tool?  Whether you want to market a website, blog, product, or service, you will do so with updates.  These updates, also known as Tweets, are where you will highlight what you want to bring attention to.

Before you signup for a free Twitter account and start sending messages, it is important to understand Twitter.  For starters, messages should be under 140 characters.  This means that you need to master the trade of being short, yet right to the point.  This may require some practice, but it is important.

Next, it is important to understand what Twitter is used for.  Yes, you are using it for internet marketing, but not everyone has the same goals.  For that reason, explore the Twitter website.  Visit the help section, as well as Search.Twitter.com.  This gives you the opportunity to search for sample Tweets.  See how others format their messages, what they have to say, or what they are looking for.

Before sending Tweets, otherwise known or messages or updates, you need to have followers.  These are members who will read your messages.  It is easy to add and search for your friends and family online, but this will not help if your goal is internet marketing.  Instead, search for who will buy what you have to sell.  These are members of your target market.

As for how you can search for your targeted market, use online message boards.  Ask around for Twitter exchanges.  You follow a member and receive their updates and they agree to do the same.  Also, visit Search.Twitter.com.  Look for those who could be customers of yours.  For example, do you sell a dog obedience eBook?  Look for posts that signal a pet owner.  You can make contact and join their list of contacts.  Remember, many will return the favor.

Once you have registered for a free account and developed a fan following, you can begin to send updates.  This is when you can use advertising.  With that said, remember discreet is the best approach to take.  Straight up advertisements may leave those on your contact list feeling used.  People use Twitter to socialize and make new acquaintances, not to be bombarded with advertisements.

So, how do you advertise a product or service, without really doing so?  Try asking for feedback.  Do you sell pet products?  Ask followers on your list for feedback on your website layout or a particular product you sell.  Include a link to your website.  This accomplishes the goal of generating traffic.  Not only that, your Twitter followers will feel as if you care and value their opinion.  And, if someone like what you are selling, they will make a purchase.

Another way to disguise your advertisements on Twitter is to offer promotions or incentives.  For example, do you have product samples available or can you offer a discount?  If so, extend this offer to those in your Twitter contact list.  Making this offer exclusive takes it a step farther.  Include the offer in a Tweet update, but be sure to state it is only extended to Twitter followers.  Yes, this is an advertisement, but you are offering an incentive.  Plus, your Twitter followers will feel honored that a special offer was extended to them.

Now that you have a few ideas on how to disguise your advertisements on Twitter, it is important to know why.  Internet users use Twitter for a wide range of reasons, but being bombarded with advertisements is not one of them.

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